G2 Kunsthalle
Since its founding in March 2015, the G2 Kunsthalle has publicly exhibited holdings from the private Hildebrand Collection. The focus of the collection is on contemporary painting in Leipzig expanded by other media as well as current national and international positions.
The G2 is a private non-profit institution and has set itself the statutory goal of promoting young emerging artists. Since November 2015, the G2 Kunsthalle has been realizing special exhibition projects in collaboration with artists. The aim of the exhibition activity is a continuous dialogue of the exhibits from the collection with individual or even thematic group exhibitions.
G2 stands for the idea of an art forum in Leipzig’s city center at the corner of Gottschedstraße and Dittrichring – opposite the famous Thomaskirche. Flexible, bright, large rooms on more than 1,000 square meters of exhibition space on the 3rd floor of the former computer center offer ideal conditions for exhibitions.
Since 2017, the G2 Kunsthalle, in cooperation with the Leipzig Academy of Visual Arts, has annually awarded the G2 Kunsthalle Master Student Prize, thus engaging in the field of direct artist support.
The G2 Kunsthalle sees itself as an institution complementing the inner-city exhibition activities in the field of contemporary art. Located in the direct vicinity of the Kunsthalle der Sparkasse Leipzig, the G2 is only a five-minute walk from the Museum der bildenden Künste (MdbK) or the Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst (GfZK).
What others think about us? Here is a selection of press comments on the G2 Kunsthalle.
Central-Halle (1848–1898)
The G2 is located in Leipzig’s city center at the corner of Dittrichring and Gottschedstraße opposite St. Thomas Church.
The location recalls the historical significance of the site: on the same spot – on the grounds of Lurgenstein’s Garden – was the famous Central Hall (built between 1848 and 1849). This building also featured large representative halls and served as an exhibition hall for industrial and art exhibitions in Leipzig in the second half of the 19th century. Prominent balls were held in the magnificent Unionssaal. In addition, the Central Hall was also used for lectures, concerts and other events. In October 1863, for example, the banquet commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Battle of the Nations near Leipzig was held here.
In the course of the restructuring measures on the Promenadenring, the Central-Halle was demolished in 1898 – 50 years after its construction. It was followed by the representative new building of the Kommandatur, which in turn was destroyed during the air raids on Leipzig between 1943 and 1944.
The present building was constructed between 1986 and 1989 as part of the final phase of the redevelopment of the Kolonnadenviertel as the VEB data processing center. The closure of the gap between the buildings, which had been used as a parking lot for many decades after the end of the war, marked a break with the tradition of the location, which seemed to be forgotten and was perceived as painful in Leipzig.
After the political upheaval that began in 1989, the computer center was put to various uses. 25 years after its construction, the building has been thoroughly renovated and now has a third floor that has been converted into an art gallery. The central location and the wide, bright rooms with ceilings over four meters high offer ideal conditions for the exhibition activities of the newly founded G2.
The establishment of the G2 Kunsthalle as an exhibition venue for contemporary art not only recalls the historicity of the location, but also updates it and relates it to recent history. In this way, a part of Leipzig’s cultural history is perpetuated for the future.
To visit the current special exhibition as well as our permanent exhibition, please check our opening hours and/or register online for our guided tours.
G2 Kunsthalle in the press (selection)
ArtMapp Das Kunstmagazin für Entdecker, Juli-Oktober 2018 (pdf)
KubaParis – Zeitschrift für Junge Kunst, 9. Juli 2018 (Link externe Quelle)
Leipziger Volkszeitung, 5. Juli 2018 (Link externe Quelle)
kunst:art, Nr. 62, Juli/August 2018 (pdf)
KubaParis – Zeitschrift für Junge Kunst, 26. Juni 2018 (Link externe Quelle)
Leipziger Volkszeitung, 12. Juni 2018 (pdf)
Independent Collectors, 23. April 2018 (Link externe Quelle)
Parnass, Nr. 4/2017 (pdf)
mdr KULTUR, 6. Dezember 2017 (Link externe Quelle)
Mephisto 97.6, 20. November 2017 (Link externe Quelle)
BUNTE, November 2017, No 45 (pdf)
Tagesspiegel, 28. Oktober 2017 (pdf)
The Leipzig Glocal, 18. Oktober 2017 (Link externe Quelle)
ArtMapp Blog, 12. Oktober 2017 (Link externe Quelle)
Merian, Oktober 2017 (Sachsen) (pdf)
Tagesspiegel, 21. August 2017 (Link externe Quelle)
Independent Collectors, 2. August 2017 (Link externe Quelle)
Leipziger Volkszeitung, 21. Juni 2017 (pdf)
NZZ, 12. Juni 2017 (pdf)
Artsy, 6. Juni 2017 (Link externe Quelle)
ArtMapp Blog, 25. Mai 2017 (Link externe Quelle)
Mephisto 97.6, 16. Mai 2017 (Link externe Quelle)
FAZ Magazin, 13. Mai 2017 (pdf)
Il Sole 24 Ore, 28. April 2017 (Link externe Quelle)
ArtMapp Blog, 22. März 2017 (Link externe Quelle)
BMW Art Guide by Independent Collectors, 22. März 2017 (Link externe Quelle)
Independent Collectors, 9. März 2017 (Link externe Quelle)
kunst:art, Nr. 54, Ausgabe März/April 2017 (pdf)
Leipziger Volkszeitung, 4./5. Februar 2017, S. 10 (pdf)
The Leipzig Glocal, 1. Februar 2017 (Link externe Quelle)
Art Viewer, 5. Dezember 2016 (Link externe Quelle)
kunst:art, Nr. 52, Ausgabe November/Dezember 2016 (pdf)
Daily Lazy, 1. November 2016 (Link externe Quelle)
Artsy, 24. Oktober 2016 (Link externe Quelle)
Leipziger Volkszeitung, 21. September 2016 (pdf)
Independent Collectors, 19. September 2016 (Link externe Quelle)
The Leipzig Glocal, 16. September 2016 (Link externe Quelle)
Sunday Times, 29. Mai 2016 (pdf)
MDR Kultur, 26. Juli 2016, Radiobeitrag, 3:33 min (externer Link)
The Leipzig Glocal, 13. Juli 2016 (externer Link)
Leipziger Zeitung, 10. Juni 2016, Nr. 32, S. 18 (pdf)
kunst:art, Ausgabe Mai/Juni 2016, S. 20 (pdf)
Leipziger Volkszeitung, 17. März 2016, S. 10 (pdf)
Amrei’s Artblog für Entdecker, in: Artmapp März-Juni 2016, S. 157 (pdf)
kunst:art, Ausgabe März/April 2016, S. 14 (pdf)
Kunstzeitung, Februar 2016, S. 4 (pdf)
ARTSY Collections, Oktober 2015 (Link externe Quelle)
Personalities, Hatje Cantz: Ostfildern 2015 (pdf)
MERIAN Leipzig, September 2015, S. 132 (pdf)
BMW Art Guide by Independent Collectors, week 32 2015 (Link externe Quelle)
kunnst, Herbst 2015, S. 28-35 (pdf)
Places of Spirit, Sonderteil: Art, August/September 2014, S. 6-7 (pdf)
kunsttermine, Heft 3 August/September/Oktober 2015, S. 48-50 (pdf)
ART. Das Kunstmagazin, Ausg. 4, April 2015, S. 144 (pdf)
ART. Das Kunstmagazin, Online-Ausgabe, 19. März 2015 (Link externe Quelle)
ArtMapp Magazin, März-Juni 2015, Ausg. 8, 4.Jg., S. 30-31 (Link externe Quelle)
kunst:art, Mai/Juni 2015, Nr. 43, S. 11 (pdf)
Sächsische Zeitung, Bereich: Kultur, 24. März 2015, S. 8 (pdf)
mdr Kultur, 11. März 2015 (pdf)
NeuroTransmitter, Heft Nr. 6, Ausgabe Juni 2015, S. 64-67 (pdf)
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung, 5. August 2015, S. 26 (pdf)
MEPHISTO 976 Radio, 17. August 2015 (Link externe Quelle)
Thüringische Landeszeitung, Samstag, 4. Juli 2015, S. 2 (pdf)
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